
Join the headache heroes

Posted 10 July 2024

Living with migraine is hard. Pain, nausea, sensory disturbances, brain fog… a slow recovery period. And then the cycle begins again.

And yet we also live in a world that misunderstands our condition.

It can feel lonely. It can feel like no-one understands.

But we do.

Join the headache heroes

A unique and precious lifeline

I’m Dr Katy Munro, senior headache specialist. When I was diagnosed, I felt so alone. And then I discovered the National Migraine Centre. Now, I’m pleased to be able to help you.

For four decades, the heroes in our story have been you. The migraine warriors, our supporters, who know that migraine is underfunded and misunderstood.

Your support helped create the National Migraine Centre and it’s you who keeps it afloat.

We are a small charity with no NHS or government support. Every year we ask if you will support us to continue for another 12 months.

Many people think migraine is ‘just a headache’ and won’t support us. But if we have helped you, please, would you consider helping us? Truly, without our patients and supporters, we have no future.

Yes, I will help give the National Migraine Centre a future – DONATE NOW

There when you need us most

Inflation has skyrocketed in recent years – yet we still continue to provide access to all, with no-fee appointments available to everyone. We can do this only thanks to your support.

For a small charity like ours, where fundraising costs are negligible and overheads are tightly controlled, every pound makes a huge difference where it matters most.

Last year, it cost us over £450,000 to deliver our charitable work. But this year, demand for our services is even higher.

The National Migraine Centre has always had the most loyal supporters, who recognise our value and make sure we can continue.

Please, will you help the National Migraine Centre go on?

Yes, I will support the charity’s vital work – DONATE NOW

Your support transforms lives and gives hope

Without you, our future is uncertain. But you can do something extraordinary today, transforming lives and giving hope.

Unlike so many, you know the impact of migraine. We need the National Migraine Centre.

Please, could you help secure our future?

Yes, I will help secure the charity’s future – DONATE NOW

On behalf of us all at the National Migraine Centre, thank you.

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