Can I get anti-CGRP prescriptions on the NHS?

The situation on access to anti-CGRP medications will vary depending on where you are in the UK. Each nation regulates access to medications differently and some medications may not be available everywhere.

If an anti-CGRP medication is available in your area, it usually won’t be prescribed by your GP. You will generally need to be referred to a specialist headache clinic or consultant neurologist.

Waiting lists for specialists can be very long indeed, and we hear from patients regularly about the difficulty in getting a referral at all or, when they have managed to do so, excessive waiting times of many months or even longer.

In the case of many medications, you are likely to find that you are unable even to be considered for anti-CGRP prescriptions until you can demonstrate that a range of several other preventatives have been tried under the supervision of a clinician, sometimes over the course of many months. And after all that, some patients still find they are not being considered for prescriptions.

We believe all those who could benefit from anti-CGRPs deserve treatment on the NHS and we support advocacy to improve access for patients.

At the National Migraine Centre, we can provide you with quick and easy access to a clinician who is able to discuss with you prescribing anti-CGRP medication right away. With remote consultations available, you won’t even need to leave home!

You can book an appointment today here.

Note: information correct at the time of writing, but prescribing guidelines, waiting times and other information is subject to change. We may make changes to the information on the website at any time without notice.

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Don't suffer the misery of migraine, get back to living. With remote consultations, Botox procedures, nerve block treatments, anti-CGRP prescriptions and urgent private appointments, there’s a team of caring clinicians ready to help you.

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