
Migraine Voices: Alice’s story

Posted 28 September 2023

It’s Migraine Awareness Week and we’re marking the occasion with #migrainevoices, a series of posts from those affected by migraine who are sharing with us their own migraine journeys.

Young woman taking a selfie

Alice is still trying to find the treatment options that work for her

“My message to all fellow migraine sufferers is don’t stop trying, try to raise awareness, and stay positive!”

I’m Alice and I have had migraines since the age of 11. For the past few years, I have struggled even more with my chronic migraine. I have tried many medicines over the years which haven’t worked.

Migraines make me feel so unwell, with symptoms such as sensitivity to light and sound, the shakes, hot eyes and head, a swollen head, pulsating or burning pain in my head, and difficulty speaking. Many people dismiss migraines as ‘just a headache’ but it is so much more than that. I think this attitude is gradually changing in a positive way.

I am currently waiting for the right treatment via the neurologist, and I can’t wait to find the medicine that works for me so I don’t have to live with the pain and symptoms I experience almost every day.

My message to all fellow migraine sufferers is don’t stop trying, try to raise awareness, and stay positive! We will get there one day.

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